Radio Channels

We highly recommend securing your radio to your body, such as wearing it by the lanyard around your neck, to avoid accidentally dropping the radio on the ground or in the river.

Be sure to set your radio to the correct channel for your purpose and not to press the button unless you are actively trying to speak. Pressing the button locks the channel for outward communication from your radio, meaning others cannot broadcast on the same channel until you release the button.


Radio Channel 1 or call 911

River Control: Basin Operations, RC01–RC14 (old RC00–RC13)

Radio Channel 2

To contact River Control HQ at MIT, call for “MIT” and identify your RC number.

River Control: Riverside/Weeks/Anderson/CBC/Eliot Operations, RC20–RC53 (old RC14–RC31)

Radio Channel 3

To contact River Control HQ at MIT, turn to Channel 4, call for “MIT” and identify your RC number.

RC21 (old RC13) and RC22 (old RC14) may reach SADL dock operations on Channel 15.

River Control: FALS Operations, RC60–RC64 (old RC32–RC36)

Radio Channel 4

To contact River Control HQ at MIT, call for “MIT” and identify your RC number.

All positions may reach FALS dock operations on Channel 6.