
Emergency Procedures

The following is a copy of the information provided on the Regatta Operations map and is reproduced here for River Control volunteers:

What happened?
Where (Map location)?
Condition of Athletes & Boat(s)?
How Many?
Who (Bow Number)?
Events Affected?

Contact Emergency Operations Center:
Radio Channel “1” or Dial 911

Safety Launches – Respond and Rescue
River Control – Respond, assist Safety Launches, divert traffic and protect rowers and emergency personnel, transport, clear course.
Umpires – Direct traffic, Stop race if necessary.

Do not attempt to move an injured athlete unless you suspect an immediate life-threatening emergency.

If another launch arrives before Safety Launch, secure the scene, assist as necessary if Safety Launch is delayed.

Take notes for report.

Emergency Radio Calling Protocol

The following is a copy of the information provided with the name tags of Race Operations Committee members (V1.0-23) and is reproduced here for River Control volunteers:

Channel 1 or dial 911

If you observe an emergency, particularly one in which you see potential for injury or loss of life, you will immediately transmit the following over Channel 1 on your radio CLEARLY AND SLOWLY:

“This is an Emergency Call from (Committee Name, i.e. River Control) at (Your Location)


(If on the water) Once this is heard by ES, they will immediately dispatch two emergency launches from opposite directions to the incident location.

(If on land) Once heard by ES, they will immediately dispatch a First Aid team to the incident location.

“The incident is…:

  1. (Pick one) …upstream (towards the Finish Line) or downstream (towards the Start) from (Your Location) on the…
  2. (Pick one) …Boston or Cambridge side of the river…
  3. Provide tower number if near one or other specifics: (FALS Dock #, Reunion Village, Weld, etc…)

You will then describe the situation as follows:

“The incident involves a (male/female)…what has occurred (head hit by rigger, slipped on dock, etc.)


“The boat(s) involved are (single, double, quad, four, eight) with bow number(s) _____ which is/are (pick one) stopped or moving.”


“The rower(s) is/are…

  1. (pick one) in the water or in the boat
  2. (pick one) moving or still
  3. (pick one) face up or face down

After you’ve given this information, continue to listen to the radio for updates or further questions.

At the moment that a safety launch is on the scene, you will say “Safety launch has arrived.” Continue to observe the situation.

At the moment that Emergency Personnel has arrived, you will say “Emergency Personnel has arrived.” Continue to observe the situation.